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Empower Health Concepts- Exercise Rehabilitation to Efficient Movement

By January 28, 2017March 14th, 2017Uncategorized

Empower Health Concepts is a clinic specialising in Plyometrics, Injury Treatment, Rehabilitation and Athletic Performance.

Our Exercise Physiologists are leading experts providing exercise prescription, programming, health and fitness consultations with the best care available. 

Rehabilitation is an art form, and if this process is not adhered to or cut short can lead to injuries and incorrect movement patterns. One of our main principles leading to our continued success is the progression of Exercise Rehabilitation to Efficient Movement.

The key with Rehabilitation is to progress from basic clinical exercises towards more complex movement training that forces the body to adapt and become more efficient in its movement.

All treatments are tailored to the individual’s needs, with the ability to treat many aspects of health conditions, fitness and personal goals.

We investigate your level of movement efficiency by completing an In-Depth Movement Screen Assessment. This is where we find out how active your neuromuscular (brain to muscle) system is, your joint range of motion and flexibility. From here we find out a lot by assessing your basic to advanced level of movement.

Progressive and relevant exercise prescription is the fundamental principle used to assist you towards efficient movement. There is no point in providing you with complex exercises that your body is not ready for. Learn to walk before you can run is a concept administered with the exercises we provide. We are not even prescribing somebody a squat until they have the correct mobility and core strength required to control their body in space.

Empower Health Concepts provides one of the most unique and in-depth movement screen assessments that empowers the individual to realise the importance of fine tuning Rehabilitation exercises to complex exercise that bring about Efficient Movement and Athletic Performance.

Hence, we specialise in Exercise Rehabilitation to Efficient Movement.


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